יום שלישי, 11 במרץ 2014

Letter To The School Principal

15 Ben Gurion street
Ramat Gan
November 1, 2013

Mr. Adar Arad.
School principal.
Kugel high school.
1 Mote Gur street,
Holon, Israel.

Dear Mr. Arad,

 I have recently heard that you expel from school students who disrupt the lesson, after the second warning. I would like to tell you that I don't agree with the way you punish your students, and in my letter I am going to present my reasons. 

When a student receives his punishment, suspended from school, he thinks that the punishment is too easy for him. The student enjoys a day off from school. In my opinion, this punishment is not significant enough for him and he does not care. You must punish him in a way he understands what he has done, and how wrong it is. I think that a student must be punished in order to learn a lesson and then he will not do it anymore. For example, cleaning the classes or lifting chairs in the classrooms are great ways to punish them, because they hate it, students hate staying at school until late.

In addition, I also think that if the students would be in the teacher's shoes they would understand what they had done was wrong, and they would feel very ashamed . For example, if the teacher stops her lesson, and asks the student to teach the class the material, he would be ashamed and he would not know what to do. That is also a great punishment because now, the student pays for what he has done and it embarrasses him.  

In conclusion, I recommend to use my punishments for students who disturb the teacher during the lesson.

Yours truly,

Marry Smith.

This is much better. Well done!!
