יום רביעי, 11 בספטמבר 2013

Post Reading

To be caught red-handed is when you feel like the world would end in a ew minutes,allegedly.
When you are caught, you feel guilty, something inside of you is not relaxed, you feel so embarrassed that you want to disappear in that moment.

was caught in eleventh grade. It was a Math class and we were supposed to have a test a week later. In the class I saw some papers placed on the teacher's desk. At first, I thought it just some papers and they were not supposed to be so important. But then, I found it was the Math test, that was supposed to be in a week. I told my friend who was sitting next to me, together we planned a plan how to take it form there. The plan was that I would delay the teacher and my friend would take the papers quickly. It worked until the next day. The teacher said that if nobody would admit, everybody would be punished. She knew it is us, she just wanted us to admit it. At first we both lied but thenwe admitted and I learned a few important lessons.

The first lesson was that I couldn't succeed on my own because I could know the answers
and then get a fake grade. The second lesson that I have learned is that no matter what, never lie! When I lied I felt so embarrassed and nervous because of two things: the first thing was that the teacher knew it was me. The second, was that I lied and inside I felt so ashamed and guilty.

We were punished and wdeserved it. Sometimes when you do things you have to think a thousand times before you do it. 


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