יום שבת, 15 בספטמבר 2012

Equality Of All

Eliot wrote a poem called "Count That Day Lost", that seems very extreme.
She says in that poem that if you do not do a good deed, even one, your day is wasted. I am going to explain how the information adds to my understanding of the poem.

First of all, Eloit used the male pen name because female writers were not appreciated at all.
Furthermore, the society at that time was divided into classes and nobody was equal to each other. Eliot wanted the society to improve, therefore, she wrote the poem,which tells what  a day well spent is for her and what a wasted day is for her. She mentions that the upper classes have to help the lower classes. 
We understand that between the lines, because we know what the
poet's background is.

In addition, it is also well known that Eliot was a critic that critisized the soicety at that time,
therefore, the poem is very extreme. Eliot wanted everybody to change, she wanted everybody to be equal , then she wrote that everyone have to do at least one good deed. Eliot criticized the upper classes who maybe enjoyed the luxuries, so they thought only about themselves and did not help the lower classes.

In conclusion, Eliot criticized the society to improve their behavior.
In addition, she wanted everybody to be equal,
beacuse the upper class did not help  the lower class. 


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