יום שבת, 3 בנובמבר 2012

Description Of The Characters

In the story, "Mr. Know All" we have two characters: Mr Kelada and the narrator. One is completely the opposite of the other. Both are on the same board, sharing a cabin together, however, everybody has a different attitude to everything and sees things differently.

Mr Kelada is described as short, of sturdy build, clean shaven cheeks, dark skinned, has a fleshy, hooked nose, large and liquid eyes. His origin is British. He speaks fluently,
his gestures are exuberant, chatty, familiar, pushy, hearty, jovial, loquacious, argumentative and naive. He is patriotic. He is a good mixer, he is everywhere and always. However, her  doesn't know when he is unwanted. He takes over everything and runs everything. He knows everything better than anybody else, therefore, he is called "Mr. know all".

Contrary to what was described, the narrator is the opposite of Mr. Kelada.
The narrator is a person who is very impatient, a chauvinist, strict, conservative and indifferent. He is conceited - he likes nothing and he is very critical. The narrator is a prejudiced person, who judges people about their appearances, according to what they wear, and where they were born.

In conclusion, even though Mr. Kelada is too pushy and familiar, he has good intentions, and also he is a gentleman because he saved Mrs. Ramsay's marriage life, and it seems that Mr. Kelada is very thoughtful because he didn't think about himself, he thought of the other.

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