יום שבת, 8 בדצמבר 2012


1. I enחoyed reading this story. The story shows us how fast people judge other people
when they dont even know them at all. The story also shows us that even the most stirct

person can change his mind from the bad to the good. I like the plot of the story, it's not
boring and all the time you have different descriptions of the characters and how the characters
behave. Also, I like the plot twist which makes me even more interested in the story and keep reading it and not stop.

2. Despite all, I found that to be a moral person is more important than the pride.
, I appreciate the character of Mr. Kelada because, even though he knows the pearls are real and lost his money in his 
betting with Mr. Ramsay, Mr. Kelada did not want to ruin the relashanship between Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay even though he lost his honor before all the people who watched the betting. And that is the little thing that changes everything and makes the plot more surprising. Actually, I tought Mr. Kelada to told the pearls were real.

3. The thinking skills helped us to focus on the behavior of the characters.
Also, the thinking skills helped us understand better why the characters
behaved like they behaved in the story, and to know the characters much more better.
If we did not use these thinking skills we would not know the characters well.

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