יום רביעי, 13 בפברואר 2013

A Summer's Reading - Bridging

    It is known from the background that there is similarity between the characters in other stories of Bernard Malamud and the story "A Summer's Reading". In addition, there is also similarity between George and Bernard Malamud. In the story, George is described as someone who tries to achieve a lot of goals and change his life for the better and make them more significant for himself. Bernard's goal was to attain the American middle class dream ,probably he was poor, like George and George's goals connect to Bernard's dream, to strive for a better life: to pick up his education, to have enough money, to have a girlfriend and to have a nice house.

      Also, it is known from the background that Bernard is someone who often writes about immigrants, like George in the story. George always walked at night to the park and wandered in the neighborhood. The loneliness shows how isolated George was, just like Malamud's other characters. There is a connection to the text because George didn't have any friends, he dropped out of school and the only friend he had was Mr. Cattanzara. Moreover, Bernard wrote about awkward and isolated people, like George who was alone, and isolated from society.

The information about Bernard told me more about the characters and changed my understanding because I understood that the writer writes about the characters who are poor and hope for a better life. Like himself and it means that the awkward and poor characters in his stories reflect his personality and show his personality.

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