יום שלישי, 24 בדצמבר 2013

Bridging - All My Sons.

Arthur Miller is an American playwright, who was born in New York City. He's known for his successful plays. His father had a garment factory, but then, he lost everything and it changed Arthur's life. In his plays he writes about social and political issues that are often concerned with the personal response to the pressures exerted by family and society.In addition, in his plays he focuses on the responsibility a person has to take for his actions and moral corruption caused by materialism and greed.

In the play "All My Sons", Arthur's father's factory, reminds on the one hand, Frank's business, to sell suits for men. On the other hand, it reminds us of Joe's plant. Joe was used to excuse what he did and to claim that if he didn't sell the cracked cylinder heads, his factory would be closed. Also, he claims that he did it for his family because he was afraid of the fact that he wouldn’t have money to support his family.

The themes and issues that Miller writes about are related to the play. Joe excused his crimes with the fact that he did everything for his family and didn't take responsibility for his actions. However, Chris believes in social responsibility and claims that Joe must care about the society he lives in, they had conflicting views. He even thought about the option of extraditing Joe. Because Joe didn't take responsibility and only cared about his money, it led to a tragic end, to moral corruption – 21 pilots died because he sold the cracked cylinder heads. Chris, was an idealist. Chris showed us the beautiful side of the society, he showed us the justice. For example, when Chris said that he wanted to jail his father. 

In conclusion, the information helped me understand better the situations, in which each character was under pressure. It helped me to understand better the point of view of the characters and why they behaved the way the behaved, everyone had his own point of view and behaved in the way he felt. It also helped me understand how the society and family affect people.  

Well done!


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