יום שבת, 8 בדצמבר 2012


1. I enחoyed reading this story. The story shows us how fast people judge other people
when they dont even know them at all. The story also shows us that even the most stirct

person can change his mind from the bad to the good. I like the plot of the story, it's not
boring and all the time you have different descriptions of the characters and how the characters
behave. Also, I like the plot twist which makes me even more interested in the story and keep reading it and not stop.

2. Despite all, I found that to be a moral person is more important than the pride.
, I appreciate the character of Mr. Kelada because, even though he knows the pearls are real and lost his money in his 
betting with Mr. Ramsay, Mr. Kelada did not want to ruin the relashanship between Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay even though he lost his honor before all the people who watched the betting. And that is the little thing that changes everything and makes the plot more surprising. Actually, I tought Mr. Kelada to told the pearls were real.

3. The thinking skills helped us to focus on the behavior of the characters.
Also, the thinking skills helped us understand better why the characters
behaved like they behaved in the story, and to know the characters much more better.
If we did not use these thinking skills we would not know the characters well.

Post - Reading

At the end of the story the narrator says he "does not entirely dislike Mr. Kelada.
This sentence means that the narrator changed his point of view of Mr. Kelada,
I'm going to show you how it looks like.

Eventually, I did not entirely dislike Mr. Kelada. I understood I was wrong about this person,
I judged him so fast, and I had prejudices against Mr. Kelada. Apparently I did not know him well enough to know who he was, and unfortunately, I ruined to myself. I can not 
adjudicate him from the first meeting together and after I know him well I could  formulate an opinion of him.

At the first meeting together I did not like anything about him. He seemed someone who wants  to be at the upper class, like me. After I understood I was wrong, I changed my mind about him. He seemed to me chatty,and anoying. However the name he got "Mr. know all", is actually suitable for him. He probabley knows a lot of things and his knowledge is huge. I wish I could go back in time and get to know him more instead of judging him. Maybe he can explain to me about things more broadly, that I know.

The next time I see someone I won't entirely like in my mind, I will try to know him and I will not judge him by his appearance, his clothes or his tone. I will try not to be prejudiced with other people.

יום שבת, 3 בנובמבר 2012

Description Of The Characters

In the story, "Mr. Know All" we have two characters: Mr Kelada and the narrator. One is completely the opposite of the other. Both are on the same board, sharing a cabin together, however, everybody has a different attitude to everything and sees things differently.

Mr Kelada is described as short, of sturdy build, clean shaven cheeks, dark skinned, has a fleshy, hooked nose, large and liquid eyes. His origin is British. He speaks fluently,
his gestures are exuberant, chatty, familiar, pushy, hearty, jovial, loquacious, argumentative and naive. He is patriotic. He is a good mixer, he is everywhere and always. However, her  doesn't know when he is unwanted. He takes over everything and runs everything. He knows everything better than anybody else, therefore, he is called "Mr. know all".

Contrary to what was described, the narrator is the opposite of Mr. Kelada.
The narrator is a person who is very impatient, a chauvinist, strict, conservative and indifferent. He is conceited - he likes nothing and he is very critical. The narrator is a prejudiced person, who judges people about their appearances, according to what they wear, and where they were born.

In conclusion, even though Mr. Kelada is too pushy and familiar, he has good intentions, and also he is a gentleman because he saved Mrs. Ramsay's marriage life, and it seems that Mr. Kelada is very thoughtful because he didn't think about himself, he thought of the other.

יום שישי, 28 בספטמבר 2012

Money Stolen.

September 29, 2012
Dear diary,

Yesterday and today were the most tiring days in my life. I worked very hard,
 for a show for teenagers with cancer. Yesterday was terrible, however, then,
it began to be better.

I have sold many tickets for the show until 11 am yesterday. I kept the money in a
plastic bag and put it on the shelf. Then, I continued to sell tickets and when I came
back, I saw the money wasn't there. I started to panic, someone stole it from me.
My mom saw that I was crying. Therefore, she replaced the missing money.

After the money was stolen, I had to go to practise with my band for the show.
The day I have been expecting all year, came. Before I went on the stage,
I had butterflies in my stomach. Then, I went on the stage and started singing my songs.
All the crowd applauded. At the end of the day the thief was found, it was my brother,
who  gave the money to the band director.

At the end of the day, I was happy beacuse everything worked out.
I am also happy that I did a good deed for the teenagers, and also my environment:
my mother, my brother and the people who contributed the money for the show.

יום שבת, 15 בספטמבר 2012

Equality Of All

Eliot wrote a poem called "Count That Day Lost", that seems very extreme.
She says in that poem that if you do not do a good deed, even one, your day is wasted. I am going to explain how the information adds to my understanding of the poem.

First of all, Eloit used the male pen name because female writers were not appreciated at all.
Furthermore, the society at that time was divided into classes and nobody was equal to each other. Eliot wanted the society to improve, therefore, she wrote the poem,which tells what  a day well spent is for her and what a wasted day is for her. She mentions that the upper classes have to help the lower classes. 
We understand that between the lines, because we know what the
poet's background is.

In addition, it is also well known that Eliot was a critic that critisized the soicety at that time,
therefore, the poem is very extreme. Eliot wanted everybody to change, she wanted everybody to be equal , then she wrote that everyone have to do at least one good deed. Eliot criticized the upper classes who maybe enjoyed the luxuries, so they thought only about themselves and did not help the lower classes.

In conclusion, Eliot criticized the society to improve their behavior.
In addition, she wanted everybody to be equal,
beacuse the upper class did not help  the lower class.