יום חמישי, 14 בפברואר 2013

p.48 ex.F+G:

1. George dropped out from school he didn't want to study hard, he didn't like the idea that the teachers tell him what to do. In addition, he was very lazy, he didn't have patience and he had a lack of motivation.
2. George told to Mr. Cattanzara that he's going to read a hundred books because Mr. Cattanzara saw him walking alone at night in the neighborhood and he was embarrassed and ashamed to admit that he doesn't work or study in school.
3. George avoided from walking past Mr. Cattanzara's house because he knew that if he would meet him maybe he would ask about the hundred books that George hasn't read and he would find out that George lied and he won't read any books.
4. It means that Mr. Cattanzara doesn't want George will be like him. Probably George was like Mr. Cattanzara when he was young and he didn't study or work and he was lazy and now he's stuck in the poor neighborhood and he doesn't want the George will be like him, he wants that George will study or work, or even move to another city. Mr. Cattanzara wishes for him a better life and it really shows that Mr. Cattanzara cares like it's written in the story.
5. Mr. Cattanzara told this rumor because he doesn’t want that people would think George is a liar. In addition, he really cares about him and maybe he understood that the respect from the people makes him feel better and stronger therefore, he told this rumor. That people will respect him and be friendly to him.
1.George and Mr. Cattanzara have some things in common but there is also a difference between them.
Both live in the same poor neighborhood. Both stay away from the house at nights, Mr. Cattanzara reads his newspapers or gets drunk and George walks alone at night in the park. Both of them do nothing with their lives. The difference is that George is younger than Mr. Cattanzara. In addition, Mr. Cattanzara has a job as a change booth and George doesn’t have a job. Moreover, Mr. Cattanzara reads while George doesn't read.
2. The short term effect is that he felt guilty with himself, therefore, he didn't go out from his room, didn't want to speak to Sophie, he had an argument with her and because he felt guilty he went to the library started reading the books to feel better and even tried to pick up his education. The long term effect of the lie is that he will always get respect from the people in the neighborhood and a nice regard.
3. I didn’t find the story is satisfying because I wanted to see what happened if the lie would be discovered and what George will do after this. In addition, I thought that George will try to read at least a few books and the story would end that I will find that George read the whole hundred books.
4. There are two meanings to the name of the story "A summer's reading". The one meaning is that someone is going to read a lot of books in the summer. However the writer wanted to use the name as absurd because George didn't really read the books and it's ironic because the name of the story is "A summer's reading but no one reads any books. 

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