יום שישי, 22 בפברואר 2013

A Summer's Reading - Reflecion - p.49

1. I really enjoyed reading the story because I didn't wanted to stop reading him It was interesting and the message was suitable for everybody. Also, I liked the idea when the writer changed sometimes the name of Mr. Cattanzara to "change maker" it gives to the story a lot of thoughts why the writer does it. In addition, the story sounds real because we all can be in situation that we are embarrassed and ashamed to admit in something and then keep lying about it. Like George in the story, to my opinion nothing would happen if George were telling the truth.

2. These skills helped me understanding the story by knowing what the motives of the characters to their behaviors are.  In addition, the skills helped me to understand
the relationships between actions or events in a text for example, the results of George's action I that he tried finally to pick up his education. One more example is when George lied, he did it because he was embarrassed to admit he didn't have a job.

3.  If I know the characterization of the character I can infer what his personality also, I can infer how he or she will behave.  For example, George's sister, Sophie is known as someone who likes to read you can infer that she's intelligent. In addition, she cares about the house and it means that she's responsible. Characterization gives us information about the character and we can infer what it tells us about the character.

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