יום שישי, 22 בפברואר 2013

A Summer's Reading - Post Reading - p.49

Dear Mr. Cattanzara,

I have wanted to write you a letter for a long time, however, I didn't know what you would say. Maybe you would be mad at me or maybe not, but I have to say that I'm sorry about lying to you. I know it was wrong, also, I learned from my mistakes. I understood my lie helped me with nothing, therefore, I stopped lying. Remember that time when you saw me reading the books in the library? since that time, I couldn't stop reading. You wouldn't believe me but I'm a reporter  in the "New York times" and I asked them to send to you a newspaper every day.

Ten years have passed since the lie which brought me thanks to you to the top. I wanted to thank you for pushing me continuously and believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. Also, I wanted to thank you for bringing me skills for life, for example, how to deal with
my life. I wanted to thank you for pushing me to the top. Thanks to you I have all the things I have wanted for years: a private house, a girl to be with, a job. It's all happened thanks to you.
Tell me how I can repay you.

Remember the time when you were drunk and you asked me "how are all your books coming?" well, now I can tell you with no hesitation that they are fine. I achieved my goal and had been reading books for two months. Then, I picked up my education and when I bought a new house I also bought a library with a lot of books. Too bad we haven't spoken since I left the neighborhood. I couldn't speak with you because I felt guilty because the lying

You have no idea what I found. Your name of work is "change maker" but if you really go deep into it you'll understand that you changed my life. I didn’t want people to feel pity for me and because of that I left the neighborhood and picked up my education. I can also tell you about a really good book called "A summer's reading" you have to read it.
I expect to return an answer back.

Thanks for everything!

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